Things to consider doing if your Business is Reopening…
Key things to do if your Business is re-opening .
Covid-19 Disinfecting…
Why is it important? Frequent cleaning and disinfection helps to prevent the spread of germs that may cause illness. What is it? Cleaning is an important first step because it physically removes dirt, organic matter and most germs from surfaces, but does not destroy some harmful germs that may remain.
Deep Cleaning…
Wether is a one time service, monthly, every other week, maybe even annually . Why do you need a deep cleaning you may Ask; deep cleaning plays a crucial role in improving the health and fitness of your employees. It thoroughly sanitizes shared areas in the office to prevent diseases from spreading. Office deep cleaning services also help to sanitize phone, door handles as well as other items shared your staff
Floor Stripping and Re-Waxing ( Refinishing )…
A floor stripping and waxing will keep your floors looking great and make them last longer, saving you from having to spend a fortune on floor replacement. Having this treatment done will remove all stains, build up of wear and tear, bacteria and grime.